Monday 27 September 2010

Sugar Skull Necklace

At last, I finished a new skull necklace, one without resin - similar to ones I have made before.

I have a half made resin one, and some skull earrings to match as well. It's not a lot, but it's progress!

Tuesday 7 September 2010

New month, new ideas?

I'll just write August off, shall I? I did practically nothing creative. But autumn is here, back to school for my son, back to work for me, and I'm also starting a new silver jewellery course (1 year, 2 full days a week) in London. I hope that will get my creativity back on track - I start next Monday - yay!

In the meantime I have to tell you about the blog that belongs to the lady who gave me my first metal clay lesson - Debbie Carlton.
It's called 'Polymer and Metal Clay Heaven' and it features Debbie's work as well as lots metal clay and polymer clay links and resources. Well worth a look!

The only jewellery I made in August was a pair of sterling silver and coral cluster earrings, pictured below. Not my usual style (this is purely wire wrapping, no metal clay involved) but I enjoyed making them!

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