Thursday 5 September 2013

August Bracelet - Beach Pebbles and Slag Glass Rainbow

August was a bit of a strange month. Lots of things distracted me from jewellery making, and I'm finding it a bit hard to get back into a creative state of mind. However - this weekend is the Thames Festival, and I have a stall there - so I have thrown myself back into work.

This, a bit late - is my August bracelet. I visited a few beaches on the North East coast of England in August, and picked up anything colourful - sea glass, slag glass and pebbles...

Beach pebbles and Slag glass bracelet

The red looks like some sort of terracotta but it's very hard, the dark orange, orange and yellow are pebbles, and the green blue and purple are slag glass.

It was great fun looking for things that I can use in my work, and I have lots more pieces waiting!


  1. Lovely bracelet, great colours.
    There must be some thing in the water, August was the same for me too on the making front, I appear to be making up for it now though :-)
