Friday 4 October 2013

Only Four Days Late! September Bracelet - Delftware

So I finally got round to finishing my bracelet for September. It is made out of Delftware pottery shards, which according to Julia are very old! Made between 1650-1760!
Read more about these on her Mudlarking blog.

After using very bright colours for a few days, it was nice to use some muted shades. I have now used up most of my Delftware shards, so I guess I'll have to go back to the river soon!

Delftware pottery shard bracelet

Most of my remaining Delftware shards... I used up all the best ones on the bracelet!

To see all of the bracelets I have made so far this year please click here: Bracelets 2013

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tania,
    Beautiful bracelet. It is fascinating to hear how old the pottery shards are that you use in your designs, also it must be a lot of fun going out and digging these pieces of history up out of the mud.
