Thursday 28 November 2013

A 21 Year Old Bee Brooch

In 1992 I was a graphic design student at The Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. I took all the possible illustration classes, and one of them hosted a guest lecturer, French illustrator Guy Billout.
He was with us for a week, and made us explore and illustrate childhood experiences. It was great fun.

Guy Billout's work is graphic and witty, with visual jokes that often require a second glance. With that in mind, my 'end of lecture' work for him was my own version of a quirky detail that wouldn't bee seen at first glance - a swarm of bees, among them a tiny winged cow.

I wish I still had it, it probably got lost in the move to the UK, but I found this brooch I made at the time from one of the bee drawings for that illustration.

Not technically sophisticated, it's just painted on a piece of cardboard, with a brooch fitting glued on the back, but I was happy to find I still had it, it brings back happy memories...

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