Wednesday 22 January 2014

Mosaic Sea Glass Pendant

This pendant was started last year, and has been on my bench for a long time. I decided to tidy up loose ends and and finish this yesterday. It features 12 tiny pieces of sea glass, all in slightly different shades of 'seafoam'.

In the first necklace I made in this style - the pieces were held together with granules of silver. I wanted to try something a bit different this time- and used square wire cut into tiny rectangles instead.
I prefer this look, and when I make more - I'll use this method - it just seems to make the structure 'lighter'.

Anyway - as you can imagine - quite a lot of work went into this - but I would be quite happy to wear it!

And in the same style but in dazzling, retina burning colour - some earrings...

I think I'll try and make a perfectly round pendant next...

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