Wednesday, 8 July 2009


A combination of medieval bestiary and Dr Dolittle, my Pushmi-Pullyu is a hairy beast, happily living in a field of yellow flowers. Painted quite large (for me) at 8" x 6" - it took ages, and I have eye strain from painting all the hair. As usual - I finished it digitally, with some added background texture, a few tweaks and colour fixes. I resisted the urge to offer multiple colour versions, although I think it looks quite good in green and purple as well...

1 comment:

  1. Hey there. This just popped up on my google alerts and I thought I'd send you a message.

    I really like this art (and your other art). I'm in a band named Pushmi-Pullyu, and I'd love to use some of your art for an album or something.

    If you're interested, send me a message at jkdeadite (at) hotmail (dot) com. Or you can message me at

