Sunday, 6 September 2009

The Royal Potwasher by John F. Waters and Jill McDonald

I have a confession - last year I started a wordpress blog. I wrote a few entries, then got distracted... and eventually forgot my password. I know - it's terrible! Anyway, I still want to share some of my favourite books, so I'll post them here instead.
One of the books is The Royal Potwasher - and here is the original post:

This story is about Alexander, who washes the pots and pans in the Royal Kitchen, but dreams of being someone special one day. When the King decides to hold a banquet, each cook is given a special dish to prepare. Alexander is given a side dish of macaroni, to the amusement of all the other cooks, who make fun of him. But – there is a happy end – Alexander saves the day, and is rewarded for his clever (if unconventional) idea (always a good thing!).

This book is now out of print and hard to find, although second hand copies do come up on amazon and other bookselling sites. It wash published in 1972, and it was another book I used to get out of the local library. The pictures are bright and very memorable, and it probably had something to do with my developing a love of food and cooking as well.


  1. Hi,
    I am John F. Waters the author of this book. Glad you like it so much. I had a great time thinking up the idea and writing it. The artist did superb art illustrations interpreting my writing. Just like I imaged.
    John Waters

  2. Wow! I have only just seen this comment, and I am so very honoured! My copy of this book is very special to me, my brothers and sisters also, and I read it to my so when he was small as well! Thank you for it! :-)

  3. I admired it so much and ofcourse to the writer of this book. A very amazing idea Ilove it!thank you so much John Waters!I keep reading this book even though it so hard to understand for me because i am not good in english but i love itI was translating those words i do not understand until i learned what does it means . I love the mean idea thank you for your books and i was hoping you will be get well soon so that you can read my message as soon as you can,be strong i know you are now in the hospital i prayed for you.By the way i am Marivic P. Sanchez the girlfriend of your son Herbert Waters.I was hoping to meet you soon and i am excited to meet your family .I would be the great wife your son soon. I love him so much! And i know he love me too I have no other way how to communicate so i messaged you through here and i love all what you had published.I feel great to know you.
