Monday, 7 March 2011

Trying out Shelfari - Bookshelf Widget

 Update -I decided I didn't like the Shelfari Widget, and have removed it. I have replaced it with  an Amazon widget recommending books I like.

Found this widget on someone's blog and have decided to try it myself - I think you just add the books you are reading/have read, and you can also write reviews etc'. Since I love and use books a lot, I think this might be fun.
I don't often read fiction, but I'm reading a lot of jewellery books at the moment!

You can find it on the bottom left hand side of my blog. Not that much there yet, but I will be adding to it!

1 comment:

  1. Can I just ask how did you manage to add this? =O
    I've been trying to add this on my blog for a long time!
    When I go on their site, they simply say 'To create a widget enter your site URL in the text box on the right side and press the Get Started button.'
    =S... but there is no text box on the right side.
    Thanks ^-^
