Saturday, 30 July 2011

Potato Tree

I'm the first person to admit that housekeeping is not my strong point. This does, however, sometimes have it's advantages.
How otherwise would I have managed to grow a potato tree? In my kitchen cupboard?

Potato Tree - click for a larger image

This was in there as well, but it's not quite a potato tree, more of an abstract piece:

Potato abstract  - click for a larger image

Needless to say, I decided to cook rice for supper instead!


  1. You could save it for a Christmas Tree.

  2. I hope it lasts that long - I have it in a pot by the window now. I love the tiny potato it produced!

  3. Peter, I thought you hated all vegetables! But you are right - it was created by nature, I just found it in my cupboard.
