Wednesday, 3 August 2011

WIP - Owl Pendant #2 and Unintentional Earrings

I won't have time to work on these today, and they are still unfinished - but here is my work in progress:

Pottery shard owl pendant - I still have to set the eyes, and do some chasing on the wings and round the eyes. Then I have to choose him a chain...

His tummy was supposed to have a selection of tiny shards, a bit like the pendant I made the other day, but when it was time to solder on the bezels - it looked too busy.

I decided instead to make the tiny shards into earrings.
These are soooo time consuming! Hopefully they'll be worth the effort in the end!

Again - I have not set these yet, and the matching earring still needs lots of work, but eventually they'll be done.

I quite like the fact that the pottery shards give me a limited palette. Brown and blue would not really have been my first choice of colours to work with (if only the ancient Londoners had thrown lots of purple pots into the Thames) but they are actually quite lovely I think.


  1. Love these! I'm going to try my hand at soldering very soon so may be contacting you for some advice!

  2. Soldering is great fun! I'll be happy to tell you everything I know :-)
