Monday, 5 September 2011

International Jewellery London - 4th September

This was my first visit, and at first I found it a little overwhelming to see so much jewellery in one place.

In the first row, I bumped into my old wax carving teacher, who had a stand there. She told me it was an expensive show to do, but was worth while as long as you are organised with a catalogue, wholesale prices, and the ability to produce large quantities. None of this is relevant to me at the moment, but it was good information. Her company is called Oria Jewellery.

My next stop was the Sutton Tools stand, where I introduced myself to Andrew Berry of 'At The Bench' - online video tutorials. He is a great teacher and I wanted to meet him after watching him for so many hours on my screen.
His website is here: At The Bench

I drooled over the tools for quite a long time :-)

Then I just wandered around with my friend Kat, certain things caught our eye more than others. It's a trade show so there was a lot of mass produced jewellery, which is less interesting to me - but there were a few individual designers as well.

Here are links to my favourites so far - I will be going back, so there will be more...

Daniel Vior - Nice use of cold enamel (resin) -

Moma Creatura - Bizarre and macabre jewellery -

Noa Jewellery - Ceramic and silver -

Amanda Coleman - Lots of woodland creatures and cute stuff -

Yarom Morhaim - I was attracted to the Roman Glass jewellery -

Pica - Beautiful packaging, have a look at their 'Stone' range -

Potters - Packaging - always good to find more options - - yes, they have been hanged!


  1. Thanks for all those great links - the pica packaging is just beautiful!

  2. Hi Tania,
    Glad you had a good time and connecting with some of the people you admire. I collect rabbits and at first it was a little disturbing seeing the poor bunny hanging from a noose, but then I thought I would wear it (sick huh!)LOL

  3. Hi,

    We are thankful to you for sharing above great and beautiful links with us. Noa jewellery and potters packaging is so beautiful.

    Designer Jewellery
