Thursday, 15 September 2011

Researching Wood Jewellery

One of the reasons to go back to school is to be made to do things you don't necessarily want to do. I'm quite happy on my own little pottery shard planet - but now I have to make jewellery out of wood, steel and acrylic.

Wood is the material that interests me the most out of the three, so I decided to look into wooden jewellery - something completely new to me, and this is what I found:

Katy Hackney is a London based jeweller who uses wood and other non-traditional materials in her work

Gallery Loupe

Julia Harrison is a US based jeweller who works in wood - her face brooches are amazing! Here is her blog

Grace Girvan - A Scottish jeweller who uses wood and pebbles. Now that's exciting!

The London Jewellery School run Wood Carved Jewellery classes - so it must be popular!

So many lovely things that people make, so many different approaches to using wood in jewellery... I just need to come up with something completely different :-)


  1. You already have!
    I've never seen anything like your particular use of shards and metal.

  2. Hey Tania, I agree with Julie you are unique in your designs I have not seen anyone else doing what you do. Don't sell yourself short your work is fantastic.
