LJE = Milton Bridge
A high quality range of 80/230 mesh powder enamels suitable for use on Copper, enamelling quality/Britannia Silver and Gold, which attain greatest clarity after rinsing well in distilled/purified water just prior to use.
Firing Temperatures:
Opaque - 810C - 830C
Transparent - 820C - 840C
T6425 - 840C - 840C
BJG = Blythe Jewellery Enamels
SJE = Schauer Jewellery Enamels
A High quality range of lump and 80 mesh powder enamels for use on Copper, enamelling quality/Britannia Silver and Gold which attain greatest clarity after rinsing well in distilled/purified water just prior to use. The Opalescents are suitable for use directly over Copper, Hard White 200 (SO H), Fluxed Copper 6023 (ST 4) or Fluxed Silver 1W (ST 3). They should be fired first until they attain transparency and then again for a shorter time/lower temperature until opalescence occurs (underfiring will produce opacity).
SOJE = Soyer Jewellery Enamels
A high quality range of 80 mesh powder enamels suitable for use on copper, enamelling quality/Britannia silver and gold which attain greatest clarity after rinsing well in distilled/purified water just prior to use. The range includes many unusual colours and the high-firing Silver Flux 3 is particularly suitable as a base for Silver Cloisonne and tends not to be adversely affected by firestain. The opalescents are particularly attractive and easy to use. Opal White 101 is high-firing and can be used under transparents, as a painting base under the gold-bearing Opal Rose 607 on copper and silver. |
PJE = British Professional Jewellery Enamels |
An exclusive range of transparent enamels for use on copper, enamelling quality/Britannia silver and gold, in lump form especially suitable for Plique-a-jour application or 80 mesh powder. Firing temperatures: 820-840C