Thursday 22 March 2012

Engraving Lesson #3

In this lesson we learned how to sharpen and use round and flat gravers, how to make a spear drill out of a needle, and then different texture fills using 'wiggling', and using a line tool.

We were also shown a cool technique of putting liquid soap over engraving to see what it would look like under enamel. I would probably never have thought of that, and it seems like a really handy tip!

Blue Fairy Liquid over the tutor's sample piece, to show how it would look under enamel
My texture samples. I fell in love with the line tool (makes a few lines simultaneously)
Apparently my lines aren't bold enough though. I will have to improve!

1 comment:

  1. Tania,
    It looks like you are having a lot of fun learning the new techniques.


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