Thursday 1 August 2019

Collage a day - Day 9

This time I decided to try an animal - and chose a ginger cat. I printed some paper with a slightly striped orange pattern.

The cat is looking at a bee.

This piece is not quite finished as I forgot that cats have whiskers - I will add them in at some point.

New things I tried - a patchwork background, animal, tracing paper wings on the bee....

This wasn't the only collage I did that day - I loved the effect of the patchwork background, so I did another - this time with a...  pot plant. 

This doesn't seem quite finished to me - it needs a little extra something. But - I ran out of time and onwards and upwards/downwards/sideways ... whichever happens...

The new thing for this piece was finding out that I could use tissue paper after all (I really wanted a transparent bottle) - so sticking it with spray mount worked quite well. Still quite a delicate operation, but nothing stuck where it shouldn't have.

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